Awesome Images

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Kummakivi is a 500 000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11 000 years

The rock on the bottom does all the work, gets none of the recognition.

They were such a good friends - Untill they weren't

This photo, taken in 2019, looks like a prequel to an extremely complex historical drama.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Leucistic Turtles are Interesting as Fuck

A similar condition to vitiligo in humans. An albino turtle would have no pigment at all.

The skinniest pub in London - Ye Olde Cock Tavern

They should open a ballroom in there so you could call it Ye olde cock and ballroom!

Towering thunder clouds that were captured during a sunset created the most amazing, yet haunting effect.

Knights Ferry, California. The photographer @a_guy_named_eric

Before & After removing Keloid Tumor

He had a motorcycle accident 15 years ago which left him with a mass of scar tissue, creating a keloid tumor that grew heavier every day.

One of the Oldest ‘Beware of the Dog’ Signs in the World, Found in Pompeii ruins, Italy

"cave canem" Which is related to words most english speakers know, "caveat" (beware) and "canine" (dog).

Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Dragonfly Covered in Dew Drops Early Morning...

He must be trippin balls with all those drops on his eyes. His vision's gonna be all kaleidoscope.

Acrobatic Archer in World Nomad Games, Kyrgyzstan

Geez.. The kind of overall strength, fitness, and dexterity it must take to do this.

Pike That got Caught in a Branch Chasing Food Died, Birds Made Nest in Dead Pike

Probably a good place to build a nest as it could visually thwart would be hunters.

This is What a Flying Fish Looks Like up Close

Hard for a shark or other non flying predator to catch a fish that leaves the water and glides somewhere else to get away from them.

A 6 sided dice from the Indus Valley Civilization-2500 BC

I had to look it up - I can't believe dice have been around since before recorded history. That's amazing that anything has lasted so long and quite unchanged.

Armor of Ottoman Sultan Mustafa

I presume the two things on either side of him at his feet were his foot holds for his horse stirrup then? Did his horse have extensive armor like this too....cause that would look pretty amazing.

A 170ft wide tree. Wow!

If you could get some ice to keep in that shade you’d have just about enough room for a regulation hockey rink under it!!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Utah Marine Stands Alone at Utah Capitol with 'I can't breathe' Covering his Mouth

U.S. Marine Corps veteran Todd Winn stood alone, silent, in front of the Utah State Capitol, hours before the first protesters had begun gathering. Winn stood in uniform, with tape across his mouth reading “I can’t breathe.” Credit:

Monday, May 25, 2020

Samurai Training in 1860 (Japan)

It’s a colorized photo, the original is a black and white picture from mid 1860s.

Beer Cans in Japan Contain Braille to let Blind People Know if a Can Contain Beer in It

This was made so that they don't confuse them with sodas and juices. The can below says "sake" to warn people that it has alcohol.

TV Camera from the 1936 Berlin Olympics

And most importantly it can turn into a cannon if the team against Germany is winning.

Hermit Crab with Glass Shell

This is my worst nightmare. Going out believing I'm fully clothed, but am actually naked to the world.

This Place Looks Like Something from Lord Of The Rings

That’s the entrance to a tomb? Man that’s, if I may say so, interesting as fuck.